Yuletide Song

July 31, 2010

(Lyrics © Lorelei Greenwood 1996, original music
as a companion piece to “Silent Night”)

Here in the darkness, balanced with light,
I tremble in shadows this cold winter’s night.
Following the stars so breathless, shining
Here among the trees in the wildwood
Lightly dreaming of flowered fields —
Springtime and warmth will be coming soon.

Full Moon is rising there in the East
To shine upon tables of Yuletidings feast.
Scattered on the wind is someone singing,
Dancing ’round the fire in the Moonlight,
Chanting praises to Holly Kings,
Laughter and loving do welcome me.

Born out of darkness, fountain of light.
The Lady sings welcome her new Son tonight.
Spiralling of life, the endless circle
Coming ’round again, open freely!
All as one on this blessed eve
Praise we the Light of the Morning Sun!

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